Torridge Rivers Association
FFiisshhiinngg TThhee RRiivveerr TToorrrriiddggee

Fishing The River Torridge

Current Bye-laws


Brown trout and Sea trout: Season 15th March – 30th September. “Fly only”

Salmon: Season 1st March – 30th September. Spinning is allowed in March. After 1st April “Fly only”. Prior to 16th June all Salmon must be released. In August and September all Salmon over 70cm (approx 7lb) must be released.

Bag limits:

Salmon (after 16th June) 2 per week: 7 per season.

Sea Trout: 2 per day 5 per week 20 per season

With stocks of Salmon and Sea Trout stocks far below their conservation target your committee encourages anglers to return all migratory fish throughout the season.

For more detailed Current Fishing Byelaws please follow the link.

Releasing Fish

The following is a guide to good practice when releasing fish:

  • Use barbless hooks
  • Use a fine knotless net
  • Use strong tackle so fish can be played out, netted and released as quickly as possible
  • Avoid where possible handling fish
  • Do not pick them up by the tail to photograph
  • Where possible keep the fish in the water all the time.